Kim Kardashian introduces new family member (and you’re not going to give credit)

Kim Kardashian’s life, and that of the rest of her family, has undergone an unexpected turn in recent months. Between her divorce from Kanye West, the final end of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and new leads on future projects, nothing is quite like it was a while back in Calabasas. The last big change involves welcoming a new member of the family. Specifically, an unexpected pet of her eldest daughter, North West, who has presented her in society to the almost 210 million followers of her mother. Hint: it is a reptile and it is dressed in Skims

Kim Kardashian and North West introduce Speed, a lizard as a new pet

“Meet the newest member of our family … Speed,” wrote Kim Kardashian under this photo, in which her daughter, North West, was holding a small lizard wrapped in pink Skims pajamas. “I hadn’t thought I’d like Speed ​​the way I do but he has grown up with me. Speed ​​was actually my best friend, Alisson. I took care of him for a week and he’s never been gone for months now.” , says the socialite. “We have done a complete makeover to Speed ​​with a tailored garment from Skims and even a jewel from Lil Uzi North […] and her bearded dragon go everywhere together and I find it endearing”, she concluded .

In the presentation photos, which have revolutionized the businesswoman’s social networks, you can see how Speed ​​and Norh are dressed in matching Skims, with a pink shearling pajama sweatshirt. With almost 3 million ‘likes’ and tens of thousands of comments, it is one of the most successful photos of Kim Kardashian on the networks. It seems that Speed ​​is here to stay and the whole family is delighted!

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