The advice that Bar Refaeli would give to all little girls

Between selfies, vacation memories and photos of avocado toast, the networks also serve as a platform from which celebrities share messages with which to connect on a deeper level with their followers. Emily Ratajkowski, for example, reflected on her motherhood a couple of months ago through these words: “I feel too humble to have false notions of control. I am completely and undeniably helpless in everything that surrounds my pregnancy: how will it change? my body, what my son will be like. ” Bar Refaeli also takes advantage of the fact that 3 million people follow all of her footsteps to talk about the kind of education she would like girls to receive today. She herself is the mother of two girls and a boy, and she just revealed what advice she would give to any little girl who dreams of becoming a strong woman.

The model assures that thanks to her parents she is now a strong and powerful woman

“Over the years I have been asked the same question over and over again. What advice could you give to little girls who dream of becoming strong and successful women? I think the real question is how to educate girls to come to be “: thus begins the text with which Bar has accompanied this photograph. An image with which the Israelite remembers the values ​​she learned while growing up: “My parents constantly told me that I was beautiful. Inside and out. That I am smart, kind and a good friend. The word LOVE was always heard in our house. The words SHARE and COMPASSION were part of our daily conversations. “

Refaeli continues with a confession: “I always felt special, yes, never above anyone else. I have been raised to be humble and strong, but also vulnerable. To believe in myself and to be grateful. All the time.” Some values ​​that have helped her to be the person she is today: “I love being a strong woman. Now as an adult I can see how her words resonate in my head and guide me to be who I am today. And I’m great ( they also taught me to love myself ?) “. A security that led her to succeed in a career as competitive as modeling.

Regarding how she transfers these teachings to her children, Bar is aware of the responsibility that this entails: “As a mother, I see the fundamental role we play in our children’s self-esteem, their strengths and their power to pursue their dreams and believe that everything is possible”. In closing, Liv, Elle and David’s mom shares a piece of advice for anyone who reads her words: “I ask you to tell your daughters that they are beautiful every day! That they are strong and powerful. What can they do? what they want and become what

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