The recipe that Hawaiians eat with beautiful skin, approved by … Zara?

The close relationship between what you eat and your beauty is as easy to see as eating oatmeal breakfast with a ‘beautiful hair’ effect or juice that helps to reduce cellulite for a while and see the positive effect firsthand. In addition, following a healthy and balanced diet makes you feel better and have more energy, and that is also directly reflected in your physical appearance. Among the most popular recipes lately to obtain all these benefits, there is one that comes from Hawaii and has become the favorite of the networks because, yes, it looks great in the photos, but you will like eating it even more. If you have not tried the poké bowl yet, you are interested in discovering the healthy recipe that we have located in, attention, Zara Home.

You read well. Taking advantage of the fever for cooking at home, the Inditex decoration firm has launched a new recipe section on its website. At the moment, they propose 16 ideas that include healthy appetizers such as ehummus with raw vegetables, main dishes such as pasta with pesto or baked sea bass, and desserts that will conquer the most sweet tooth. Also lemonades, an original version of pizza (with potato) … and one of the favorite recipes of the girls who take care of themselves: salmon poké bowl.

This very simple dish comes from Hawaii, where fishermen made it with raw fish and seaweed. It combines the influence of the Japanese who came to the island in the 70s, with which, if you like sushi, you will adore it. And although there are different versions, the ingredients proposed by Zara Home are a good alternative if you want to take care of your body and your skin.

Salmon, rice (brown) and avocado: 3 magic ingredients

You can choose the raw fish you prefer (after freezing it for 72 hours), but salmon is the one that will benefit your skin the most since its omega fatty acids help prevent wrinkles. The same happens with avocado, another of the ingredients almost always present in poké bowls and that, apart from having healthy fats, is rich in protein, an essential macronutrient when you want to get in shape. Finally, the third ingredient that is never missing is a cereal. Choose your favorite (quinoa and rice are the most common), but preferably opt for a whole grain version because it will provide you with more nutrients and will keep you satiated for longer thanks to the fiber.

From that base, add whatever you want. Zara Home, for example, proposes a recipe that incorporates grated ginger, cucumber, seaweed and chives, as well as soy sauce, rice vinegar and sesame oil, which can be substituted for sesame seeds. What will take you the longest is to prepare the rice, but once it is ready, you just have to dice the fish, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!

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