how to burn fat?

The secret to burning as much fat as possible is high-intensity interval training or HIIT (High-intensity interval training). This consists, over a total short session duration (30 minutes maximum), of short alternating periods of very intense effort (sprints, squats, push-ups, etc.) with short recovery times (the ratio between effort and recovery is usually 2 to 1).

The advantage of these workouts: they are adaptable to all levels and many disciplines (running, swimming, cycling, weight training, etc.). The reason for this efficiency is that the caloric expenditure is important during the effort than the recovery: the more intense the exercise, the more the body deploys energy during (to achieve it) and after (to “repair itself.”).
In video: How to do push-ups without hurting yourself?

I program mini-fires

the body may put itself in resistance if you reduce your caloric intake too much. In this case, the good strategy is to fast for a short period, for 16 to 20 hours: this would boost the mobilization of fatty reserves by blocking the production of an antithyroid hormone, T3, which the body secretes to protect from weight loss.

Once a week, we skip either dinner (we eat again the next morning) or breakfast (we eat again for lunch), and we hydrate well (water, tea, herbal tea, vegetable broth).

I discover chicory

Rich in inulin, the fibers of the ground root of this plant are said to help reduce the levels of glucose and blood lipids. It can be substituted for coffee or, better, combine the two, to combine the slimming actions of inulin and caffeine.

Read also

The list of fat-burning foods

I spice up my plate

Fresh or powdered chili peppers get their heat from capsaicin, which stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine to help burn off sugars and fat reserves. Cayenne pepper, Tabasco, paprika … we choose according to our tastes and digestive tolerance.

I drink tea and / or coffee

Thanks, among other things, to the caffeine they contain, they slightly increase the basic metabolism, that is to say, the expenditure of the body at rest, and activate the burning of fats. For coffee, we opt for long, and for tea, we favor green. In both cases, we limit ourselves to 3 large cups a day, preferably before 3 p.m.

Also read: Does tea only have health benefits?

I eat light dinner once a week

We cook a piece of meat for 2 hours in a pot of water with a bouquet garni, remove it, and cook various vegetables in this broth (leeks, cabbage,
carrots, celery, etc.). Drain them well, add chopped parsley and chives. Satisfying, ultralight, and super draining!

I lift loads

Muscles are great consumers of energy: a person with good muscle tone burns more than a sedentary one, even at rest. The problem is, as you get older, muscle mass naturally decreases.

To maintain and develop it, the best is to practice weight training with moderate weights and to favor exercises that mobilize in force a maximum of muscle groups (sheathing, pulling …). Contrary to popular belief, this does not promote the “bodybuilder” way of inflating!
Regular physical activity aimed at this “sweet spot” (which usually occurs when a feeling of low to moderate exertion, at around 30 to 60% of maximum exertion, or a perceived exertion level of one. to four out of ten) is likely to improve the body’s efficiency in using energy from fat – and result in a lower body fat percentage. relevant because it increases energy metabolism by preventing adipocytes (fat cells) from storing fat.

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